Sullivan Diner in New York City – breakfast then Letterman show

On Monday morning of our New York City trip, we ate breakfast at Sullivan Diner. The eggs cooked to order, blueberry and plain pancakes, crispy bacon, and spicy potatoes were as tasty as our dinner had been.

Perry enjoyed more great coffee while I sipped a mug of Harney & Sons Earl Grey supreme hot tea. I forgot to bring my Kup Kap so I laid my Kup Kollar on top of the mug to keep the tea hot!

After eating, we strolled the neighborhood, changed clothes, and caught a taxi to the Ed Sullivan Theater to attend a taping of the Late Night Show with David Letterman. I’ll tell that story another day!


Sullivan Diner in New York City – Post 2 of 2

Post 1. Delicious gourmet dinner