Cholaca – Pure liquid cacao

Thinsulate insulated Chocolate Truffles Kup Kap on a glass mug and a Thinsulate insulated Chocolates Kup Kollar on a 16 ounce glass of chocolate milk.

Thinsulate insulated Chocolate Truffles Kup Kap on a glass mug and a Thinsulate insulated Chocolates Kup Kollar on a 16 ounce glass of chocolate milk.

Cholaca is pure liquid cacao which is “the mother of all chocolate and one of the most nutrient-rich superfoods on Earth” according to their web site. I would agree because it’s delicious hot or cold. I mix four ounces of milk with two ounces of Cholaca then heat or add ice cubes. It’s a liquid dessert!

There are three varieties of Cholaca – Unsweetened, Original, and Sweetened. The ingredients are organic fair trade cacao and water. Original and Sweetened are made with coconut sugar. There are no preservatives, additives, or emulsifiers.

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