Coffee from Woodstock Café & Shoppes


While staying in Woodstock, Perry went to the Woodstock Café & Shoppes for his wake-up coffee each morning. He said it was fresh and tasty! The staff thought his recyclable cup wrap was cool.


One afternoon, we went by the café for coffee and hot tea on our way to explore the George Washington National Forrest. It was a cold, misty day so we needed hot drinks to stay warm.

After entering the park, we turned up a narrow, rocky road that leads to the Woodstock Tower. As we wound our way around the narrow curves, we saw four police cars coming down the mountain very fast. We wondered what might be waiting for us at the top!

When we found the trail leading to the tower, we parked, grabbed our drinks, and began hiking. We wished the trees and rocks could talk to tell their tales of yesteryear.


The elevation at the Woodstock Tower is 2000 feet above sea level. Why did we climb the tower?


Thinsulate insulated Teapots Kup Kollar on 12 oz take-out hot cup.

Thinsulate insulated Teapots Kup Kollar on 12 oz take-out hot cup.

We wanted to gaze out over the beautiful Shenandoah Valley!


Over the top of the colorful trees through the mist, we could see the horseshoe bend of the Shenandoah River.

We don’t know why the police cars were in the area. We never saw anything suspicious or a doughnut shop!