Shangri-La restaurant Colorado Springs, CO – Dinners

Thinsulate insulated Asian Floral Tea Tabard on a teapot.

Thinsulate insulated Asian Floral Tea Tabard on a teapot.

I ordered a scallops dinner at Shangri-La. As usual, the large scallops were tender and moist. The flavorful vegetables were crisp cooked. I dipped my crunchy egg roll in the Sweet and Sour sauce. The crispy chicken wing wasn’t greasy and the rice had a perfect texture.

I ate with a fork and knife but Perry ate his delicious beef dinner with his chop sticks, a gift from our son. He can even eat the rice!


Shangri-La restaurant Colorado Springs, CO  Post 3 of 4

Post 1. Tea cozy soup

Post 2. Appetizers