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Drink sleeves for Father’s Day gifts June 17, 2018

Don't forget Father's Day is around the corner on June 17th!

Thinsulate insulated Game Time Kup Kollar and Bagels Kup Kollar.

Does Dad like his drinks to stay cold while he watches TV or reads a good book? Does he like his hot drink to stay hot while he drives around doing work or running errands?

Because Dad doesn't put ice cubes in his beer, he needs a drink sleeve on his pint glass to keep it cold longer. Our Thinsulate-insulated Kup Kollar (TM) will maintain just the right temperature to extend his drinking pleasure. As he drives the RV over to have it serviced before a camping trip His hot brew will stay hotter, longer with a cup cozy on his take-out cup.


Thinsulate insulated  Recycle Kup Kollar on hot take-out cup in RV holder.

When Dad is driving the RV, he can't run back to the microwave to reheat his drink. Besides, coffee and tea aren't as tasty after being warmed up in a microwave. The drink sleeve on Dad's hot cup fits into the RV drink holder so he can safely sip his brew while driving to the next incredible adventure!  


Thinsulate insulated Tools Kup Kollar

Dad deserves a full-flavored cold beer or ale after he finishes working with his tools.

Thinsulate insulated Suits Kup Kollar on hot take-out cup.

Does Dad have a lot on interruptions when he's working at his desk? A Kup Kollar will keep his beverage hotter, longer so he won't have to waste time reheating it. 

Didn't see something for your Dad? Check out the other 40+ fabric designs for the perfect drink sleeve. All dads drink something!