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School Days – Oregon Chai for French toast recipe

Thinsulate insulated School Daze Large Kup Kollar on a 32 ounce glass.

Getting ready for school isn’t easy for teachers or their students. Even so, it’s a good idea to organize time and tasks so eating a healthy breakfast are part of the school day’s beginning.

French toast is a tasty breakfast food I call “gourmet cooked eggs and toast”. You can soak a piece of bread in a beaten egg, sprinkle spices on top, and grill in a pan. Or you can treat yourself to this delicious Silk Nog French toast recipe. To save time, make the recipe over the weekend and store in your refrigerator. Soak pieces of dry bread in the egg mixture, grill in a pan, and enjoy a gourmet breakfast midweek!

Silk Nog is only available during the winter holiday season. The rest of the year, you can substitute Oregon Chai milk for the Silk Nog.


School Days – Post 2 of 4

Post 1. Strawberry Tea instead of plain fruit juice